Sunday is Father’s Day . . . a day we pay tribute to the man who gave us so many wonderful things, including unforgettable quotes like anything on today’s list of the . . . Top 5 Things Only Dads Say.
You can tell a lot about someone by their handshake.
I could’ve gone pro but I blew out my knee.
You never saw “Roadhouse”?!?
That was the dog.
Shake it off, you little baby.
This isn’t music, it’s just noise!
Did you know your mom and I saw Miley’sdad on our first date?
So many channels, so little to watch.
Eyes on the road! Hands at 10 and 2!!!
I gotta guy for that.
Shhhh. The game’s on.
Ugh. Women drivers.
Where’s the plunger?
Related Article: Nine Things You May Not Know About Father’s Day