43% of us acknowledge we rubberneck while driving. But there are a lot of things we do behind the wheel we’ll NEVER confess to. Like anything on today’s list of the . . . Top 5 Things We All Do While Driving but Won’t Admit It.
Roll up the windows and crank that song by Chumbawumba.
Mutter obscenities at the old lady who takes way too damn long in the crosswalk.
Tailgate student drivers.
Zip in-and-out of traffic without regard for the law or other drivers’ safety. (Note: Applicable to BMW drivers, only.)
Drive with our knees so we can eat a burrito.
Blow through a red light then shout “Ride or die!” like we’re freakin’ Vin Diesel.
Check the rearview mirror to see if the light we just blew through had a camera.
Judge the car next to us for being a polluter (if it’s gas-powered), elitist (if it’s an EV), or sad (if it’s a Pontiac).
Related Article: 43% of Us Slow Down to “Rubberneck” When We See a Crash