Everyone’s a little groggy today thanks to the time shift. But one in five Americans still like the fact that we do it twice a year.
21% of people in a new poll said they think changing the clocks the way we’re doing it is still the best option. 62% want to stop shifting the clocks, and the other 17% are undecided. Here are a few more stats from the survey . . .
1. Of people who want to STOP doing it, 50% think we should switch to permanent Daylight Saving Time. 31% want permanent Standard Time. Everyone else said they don’t have an opinion, just pick one.
2. Do you know if we’re in Daylight Saving Time or Standard Time right now? A lot of Americans don’t, apparently. The poll was done last week, and 56% thought we were in Daylight Saving Time at that point. But NOW we are.
3. 19% of Americans prefer waking up when it’s dark out. Something that happens more because of Daylight Saving Time.
4. 7% of Americans are waking up in the dark most of the year no matter what. That’s how many said they wake up before 5:00 A.M. on weekdays. 68% wake up before 8:00 A.M. Only 13% roll out of bed after 9:00.