Experts predict 39% of household chores will be done by robots by 2033. What nobody talks about are the jobs robots should already fill. You know, like any of the brainless tasks on today’s list of the . . . Top 5 Incredibly Simple Jobs Robots Should Already Be Doing
Hosting “Jeopardy”.
Checking for membership cards in front of Costco.
Listening on the other side of the divider in a confession booth.
Writing “Fast & Furious” sequels.
Dressing Mark Zuckerberg.
Driving NASCAR.
Saying “Do whatever you want, LeBron!” . . . a.k.a. coaching the Lakers.
Cackling on “The View”.
Ignoring your request for help in the paint aisle at Home Depot.
Mumbling “Mmm-hmm”, “That’s interesting”, and “How does that make you feel?” during therapy.