Movies are good at making everything easy and awesome, but we all know that movies are lying! Here’s a list of some things that seem amazing in the movies but aren’t that great in real life:
- Exploring haunted houses or sketchy places: Where are the criminals or cops?
- Being a salesman: It’s not all fancy suits, slicked back hair, and carrying a briefcase
- Training montages: Hard work takes more than just a single scene. It takes days, months, or even years!
- Laying on the grass: It’s way too itchy!
- Flying in a helicopter: It’s never a smoot ride, there’s a constant vibration and you have to wear ear protection because it’s so loud.
- The apocalypse: As if any of us know how to survive without running water or electricity
- Being pursued by someone you’re NOT interested in: It’s not funny or romantic; it’s flat out creepy
- Riding a motorcycle without a helmet, eye protection, or a jacked: The wind is awful and three’s no protection from bugs hitting your face