I’ve been out of the dating scene for many, many years, but I don’t recall ever thinking this was okay……..
A 24 year old woman in England says she went out on ONE DATE with a guy back around December, and the knucklehead actually sent her a list of ways that she could IMPROVE herself. Seriously!
Some folks think it’s completely made up, just because the whole idea is ridiculous, and the list is pretty brutal, but she claims that it is 100% real…… Clearly, this guy is a real catch……Here’s the list…..
- “If you lost about 20 or 30 pounds, you’d look incredible”
- He told her she looked really pale and that a fake tan wouldn’t hurt.
- Show more cleavage.
- “Wear clothes that fit your figure…. so I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you.”
- “Dye your hair a normal color, and add extensions. Longer hair is more attractive.”
- “Stop wearing so much makeup.”
- Apparently, on their date, she talked about how she got lip injections once and regretted it, but he told her she should get them again.
- “You need so much more confidence. Confidence is sexy.”
- He said the fact that he didn’t get a kiss at the end of the night hurt his feelings, so she should be more sensitive and not be such a prude.
- He ripped on her for drinking a regular Coke instead of Diet, even though she ordered a salad.
- “Keep your past to a minimum, I don’t care what you went through.”
- “Get a sense of humor. You didn’t laugh at a single one of my jokes.”
- “You just seemed a bit stuck up. Sort your personality out.”
- “You made me feel bad when you offered to pay….. like you didn’t think I had enough money after I TOLD YOU how much was in my account.”
- “You didn’t compliment me once.”
There’s no word if there was ever a 2nd date.