The irony of hipsters is they want to be different. But they end up looking like every other person who shops at American Apparel . . .
Last Thursday, a team of researchers at M.I.T. posted a study on the “hipster effect,” about how hipsters tend to gravitate toward similar fashion trends, and all look the same.
(Here’s a link to the study….
Then after they posted it, someone complained about a stock photo they used of a hipster with a beard, wearing a knit hat.
The guy who complained said he was the model in the photo. And he was upset at them for implying he’s a generic hipster. But here’s the fun part . . .
It turns out it was actually a DIFFERENT model in the photo who just looks like him.
To repeat that: The guy was angry at them for implying he’s a generic hipster who looks like every other hipster. And it turned out he’s SUCH a generic hipster, he couldn’t even tell himself apart from a random dude with a beard.
The researchers joked that it essentially proved the whole point of the study . . . that hipsters do look alike.