We see a lot of stupid stories come across our desks here at Best Country 103. And let’s face it, without stupid criminals, our show would be lacking. But every once in awhile, you read a story and just shake your head wistfully. This IS one of those stories and proof Karma carries a big honkin’ stick. Or animal in this case.
Over the weekend, a poacher in Zimbabwe tried to KILL an endangered elephant inside a protected safari area in a national park. Not a real sporting thing to do. He shot at the elephant . . . but CLEARLY he’s a bad shot, since he missed that enormous target. Yes he missed an elephant. Just let that sink in for a moment.
Now the elephant it seems, took offense to this action. In fact he got down right mad and he didn’t miss. The elephant trampled and killed the poacher. We know this because the police arrested two guys who were with the poacher. Both are facing charges for possession of firearms and are probably in need of some new Fruit Of The Looms.